Digital Skills Every Freelancer Should Have

Digital Skills Every Freelancer Should Have

Freelancing is a great way to make money and stay motivated. Today\’s freelance workers, however, have to be more than just their field of expertise in order to succeed. You need to know how to market yourself online, write well, work remotely (if applicable), and adapt quickly if necessary.

Proficient Self-Marketing

This is the most important skill for any freelancer.

  • Know your audience. You need to be able to identify who you\’re marketing your services towards, and what their needs are. For example, if you\’re an accountant and are looking for clients in the legal field—the kind of people that would buy a book on tax law instead of just searching Google—you should use different keywords than someone selling accounting software or HR services.
  • Promote yourself effectively without being obnoxious or aggressive (which can turn off potential clients). Social media is great because there\’s always someone willing to reach out with questions or suggestions; however, it\’s important not to get too personal when communicating over Twitter or Facebook as this can come across as disingenuous when applied consistently over time. Use email marketing properly so that people actually read them! Don\’t simply send out bulk emails every few days; make sure each message has something unique about it so it stands out from all other messages sent by competitors within the same industry.* Content marketing allows businesses/individuals alike to create compelling pieces of content which include video tutorials, infographics, etc., then share those across multiple platforms such as blogs websites forums newsletters Twitter hashtags Facebook groups, etc. which helps spread awareness about company name brand message product features benefits advantages.

Writing Skills

Writing skills are a must-have for any freelancer. You’ll need to be able to write well, clearly and succinctly in order to get your projects done on time.

  • Ability to write good content: As a freelancer, you will probably have more work than time, so it is essential that you can get the job done quickly and efficiently without sacrificing the quality or clarity of your writing.
  • Avoid spelling mistakes: If possible, proofread everything before sending out an email or posting something online; even if it looks perfect from afar it may contain errors that could cause problems down the line when someone else reads what was written (or worse yet – typesetters).

Working Remotely

Working remotely is one of the most effective ways to stay on top of your game. If you’re working from home or a coffee shop, it can be easy to get distracted by social media and email, especially when there are people around. However, if you are working from a co-working space or public library instead of your own home office (or even better: both!), then this is more likely to happen less often.

Working remotely also means having access to resources that might not always be available at home—like Wi-Fi hotspots in airports! Or airplanes! Or hotels. And if all else fails, there\’s always Google Hangouts video chat on any device with an internet connection (and yes: I\’ve tried this myself).

Quick Learner

Quick Learner

  • You need to learn quickly. Whether it’s through self-study, online courses, or workshops, you can\’t afford to stay behind the curve when it comes to technology. If you want to keep up with the latest trends and techniques in your field, then you need a quick learner mentality and an appetite for information—both of which will help boost your productivity levels as well as make sure that what you\’re doing is relevant in today\’s market climate.

Social Media Skills

Social media is a great way to attract clients and build your brand. If you’re not already using it, here are some tips on how to use social media as part of your freelance business:

  • Social Media Accounts – When creating accounts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, be sure they reflect the image of who you are as a person. It can also help if they have different names than yourself so that people don\’t assume that all accounts belong to one person (or company). For example, if I\’m building my personal brand as an entrepreneur but don\’t want anyone thinking I\’m associated with my employer instead of myself, then perhaps my personal name would suffice instead of \”The Freelance Life Coach.\” Similarly, with LinkedIn—if I want potential clients who may never know about me unless they search through my name first thing after seeing it somewhere else online (like Instagram), then creating multiple profiles will keep things organized while still maintaining unique content for each one.


Being adaptable is one of the most important skills for a freelancer. You\’ll need to be able to adapt your skillset and business models quickly in order to keep up with changing demands. If a client asks for something that\’s outside of your usual scope, you need to be able to shift gears and deliver on their request without losing momentum in your market or losing clients who have become accustomed over time to what they can expect from you as an agency—whether it\’s larger projects or smaller ones.

Being flexible also means being willing (and able) when new situations arise unexpectedly; this means being open-minded enough not only about where things are going but also how things are going there! When something changes unexpectedly (or regularly), having an ability not just adjust but learn quickly goes hand-in-hand here: as we mentioned earlier about adapting to outside expectations/needs etcetera – so does being able to take advantage of even those changes!

Know Industry Trends

Knowing the industry trends helps you to stay in touch with what\’s happening. It also helps you to stay relevant and up-to-date with the latest developments in your field. For example, if there’s a new version of Word or Excel that has been released, it would be useful for you as a freelancer to know about this so that when your clients ask for recommendations on software packages, it won\’t come as a surprise or shock them.

It\’s also very important for freelancers who want to find new clients because it means they can offer their services at an extra cost than other providers.

Freelancers Today Need To Know More Than Just Their Field Of Expertise To Succeed.

The digital skills you need to succeed as a freelancer are the same ones that all freelancers should have. These include:

  • Adaptability. You need to be able to adapt quickly and easily as your business grows and changes, whether that\’s because of an increase in demand or because you\’ve acquired new technology that enables you to do what was previously impossible.
  • Learning quickly and efficiently. For example, if there\’s an opportunity for growth within your industry (or even outside of it), then taking advantage of this opportunity should be high on your list of priorities—and learning new things is how we get there!


As a freelancer, you need to learn how to market yourself and your business in the digital age. This means that you must have an online presence that is updated regularly, has a clear and concise mission statement, and makes it easy for potential clients to find out about what you do. It also means being able to adapt quickly when changes occur in your industry or the world around us. You should look at these skills as resources that will help provide value for both yourself and others who use them—whether they\’re customers or colleagues alike!


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